I just laughed so hard, the kimchi I had for New Years came out my nose.
I am beyond confused at how ugly some of these reviews are. Go vacuum the sand out of your cracks, this was stellar comedy.
I just laughed so hard, the kimchi I had for New Years came out my nose.
I am beyond confused at how ugly some of these reviews are. Go vacuum the sand out of your cracks, this was stellar comedy.
to be honest, i dont know why this animation gets soo many insane hate. id really love to know why
Well, I can't say that I haven't been there before. Whether it be at a big-box electronics store or a little coffee shop, standing behind a cash register exposes you to the direct source of human frailty, over and over, several times a minute for many hours. It's like getting in a tanning booth, except you're being bombarded with short-wave stupidity instead of UV rays.
Haven't read through all the reviews, but has anyone mentioned that this might not be suitable for Everyone?
I put in all the review stuff for the language and violence and it gave it an E rating lol
So I was going to give this one a 4. But then you hit me with a Who Framed Roger Rabbit and Beetlejuice reference in quick succession, so you win.
This was, in a word, charming. I got my nostalgia strings tugged with the whole Goofy thing, which you were probably trying to do, and I'd say it will fly really well with folks born before 1990. While it felt a little slow getting started, the humor picked up speed a little in the second half.
Very solid animation here.
Not a bad little animation, but the sound a weak point. There are a couple of ways that you can prevent that audio spiking that occurs when you spit your "p" sounds into the mic:
1) hold a piece of thin cloth or even a post-it note up between your mouth and the microphone when you've got trouble consonants like "p". If you do it correctly, you can prevent the rush of air that crashes the mic without losing the annunciation.
2) turn down the audio-input a little, and then fiddle with the output level to get it as loud as you can before going in to the red. This will prevent input spiking so that you don't get that crackling distortion.
I thought it was cute.
Oh good grief people, calm down. It's a 5 second goof that makes me giggle. I've been watching it on loop for like 3 minutes and it's somehow getting funnier.
If you're going to have guest voice, just make sure to balance the volume out. The cat was much louder. Aside from that, way to keep it going.
Can't. Stop. Laughign. Ogod. Hurts. Hurts for breathe.
Singularly one of the greatest things I've ever seen on Newgrounds. Or anywhere else. Now I feel meaningless. Dammit. I hate you.
Look at the nearest electrical socket and imagine it as a tiny screaming face. Now, try to unimagine it as a tiny screaming face. You can't. Merry Christmas.
Age 40, Male
Filthy Richer
Ayn Rand's College of No Help
Austin, TX
Joined on 9/14/04